Upayments Gateway Integration PHP - Laravel; Upayments integration using cURL in this post I will teach you; after a lot's searching finally i integrated this payment gateway in the laravel also in PHP, there is no document available on the internet for integration, Upayment only official document providing by this payment only, there is no any external document for integration upayments.
Using cURL we will send a payment request to the Upayments, The redirect URL for the payment accepted will provide by the upayment and redirect. after successfully done the payment you will redirect back to your given redirect back URL with a successful response. In this tutorial, I am teaching you all the things about this payment very easily and with a quick understanding.
The upayment sandbox and production payment URL below are provided, choose your payment link and start integration. fox sandbox and production both payment testing and accepting URL different that noted.
Sandbox: https://api.upayments.com/test-payment Production: https://api.upayments.com/payment-request
Sandbox Test card details, below are provided card details for the sandbox, if you are testing payment, use below card details for the testing payment.
KNET Test Card Details: Name: Knet Test Card [KNET1] Card Number: 8888880000000001 Expiry Date: 09/2021 PIN: 1234
You must post the following parameters:
FieldName | Field value (Sandbox) | Field Value (Production) |
merchant_id | 1201 | Your Provided Id |
username | test | Your Provided Username |
password | test | Your Provided Password |
api_key | jtest123 | Your Provided Password |
Unique ID |
- Store in your database - It will be used for future reference - Use a strong hashing with time - Min 15, Max 35 characters |
- Store in your database - It will be used for future reference - Use a strong hashing with time - Min 15, Max 35 characters |
total_price | Payable amount (max 3 decimal points) | Payable amount (max 3 decimal points) |
CurrencyCode | NA | KWD, SAR, USD, BHD, EUR, OMR, QAR, AED |
success_url | URLto redirect the user on successful transaction | URL to redirect the user on successful transaction |
error_url | URL to redirect the user on unsuccessful transaction | Url where user will redirect after error in payment |
test_mode | 1 for test mode | 0 for production mode |
CstFName | Customer Full Name | Customer Full Name |
CstEmail | Customer Email Address | Customer Email Address |
CstMobile | Customer Mobile Number | Customer Mobile Number |
payment_gateway | NA | knetforKNet transaction cc for Credit Card Transaction |
whitelabled | NA | 1 = true (must be enabled by admin) 0 = false |
ProductTitle | Product Name/Description | Product Name/Description |
ProductName | NA | Encoded array of product names |
ProductPrice | NA | Encoded array of product prices |
ProductQty | NA | Encoded array of product quantities |
Reference | NA | Merchant Order ID or Reference number |
notifyURL | Webhook notification - like IPN (Instant Payment Notification) | Notification URL that you can provide with every call to receive confirmations |
x-Authorization | hWFfEkzkYE1X691J4qmcuZHAoet7Ds7ADhL |
Send post request for payment, below provided $request_data array, all the post-payment request fields added with the details, I have to explain each field above in table format look at this for the field more information, also you need to specify test payment and production payment URL, base on the test payment you need to send status value 1 or 0 for the payment type.
Below provided request data I have given test credentials, use the same credentials for the test payment. Add success_url so that once the payment is successful it will redirect to your success URL so based on the success you can take action. also there is a notification and error URL field, add these URLs also. This URL will help you to handle failed payment actions and the notification URL will notify you after the payment action whatever is done in the payment.
<?php $request_data = array( 'merchant_id'=>'1201', 'username' => 'test', 'password'=>stripslashes('test'), 'api_key'=>'jtest123', // in sandbox request /'api_key' =>password_hash('API_KEY',PASSWORD_BCRYPT), //In production mode, please pass API_KEY with BCRYPT function 'order_id'=>time(), // MIN 30 characters with strong unique function (like hashing function with time) 'total_price'=>'10', 'CurrencyCode'=>'KWD',//only works in production mode //'CurrencyCode'=>'KWD',//'KWD','SAR','USD','BHD','EUR','OMR','QAR','AED' and others,Please ask our support to activate 'CstFName'=>'Test Name', 'CstEmail'=>'test@test.com', 'CstMobile'=>'12345678', 'test_mode'=>1, // test mode enabled 'payment_gateway'=>'knet',// only works in production mod 'ProductName'=>json_encode(['computer','television']), 'ProductQty'=>json_encode([2,1]), 'ProductPrice'=>json_encode([150,1500]), 'reference'=>'Ref00001' 'success_url'=>'https://example.com/success.html', 'error_url'=>'https://example.com/error.html', 'notifyURL'=>url('upayment/payment/notify'), ); $fields_string = http_build_query($request_data); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); if (env('PU_TEST_MODE') == 1) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,"https://api.upayments.com/test-payment"); //Test Request URL }else{ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,"https://api.upayments.com/payment-request");// Production Request URL } curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$fields_string); // receive server response ... curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $server_output = curl_exec($ch); curl_close ($ch); $server_output = json_decode($server_output,true); header('Location:'.$server_output['paymentURL']);
Example of response: for ERRORS
Array ( [status] => errors [error_msg] => Please check configuration values of test mode [error_code] =>not_test_credentials )
Example of response: for SUCCESS
Array ( [status] => success [paymentURL] => https://api.upayments.com/test/payment?ref=ref_id&sess_id=sess_id )
We always thanks to you for reading our blogs.
Dharmesh Chauhan
(Swapinfoway Founder)Hello Sir, We are brothers origin from Gujarat India, Fullstack developers working together since 2016. We have lots of skills in web development in different technologies here I mention PHP, Laravel, Javascript, Vuejs, Ajax, API, Payment Gateway Integration, Database, HTML5, CSS3, and Server Administration. So you need our service Please Contact Us
Haresh Chauhan
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