Laravel 7 Recent Posts

19-10-2023 8596 Laravel 7 Haresh Chauhan

Welcome to our comprehensive tutorial on sending emails using PHPMailer in the Laravel framework. In this video, we'll walk you through the entire pro...

06-10-2023 14326 Laravel 7 Haresh Chauhan

To integrate the PhonePe payment gateway into a Laravel application, you can follow these steps. PhonePe provides an API that allows you to accept pay...

31-08-2023 7817 Laravel 7 Haresh Chauhan

Upi payment gateway integration in php/laravel In this post we will see a brief description with an example. I will provide step-by-step guidelines fo...

18-02-2023 1795 Laravel 7 Haresh Chauhan

This post included "jenssegers/agent" composer to know the browser name, device name, version of the device, platform, robot activity, and robot name...

10-02-2023 962 Laravel 7 Haresh Chauhan

Trying to access the array offset on the value of type int, This error was faced when I am trying to generate a barcode in laravel, there are many sol...

08-02-2023 1945 Laravel 7 Haresh Chauhan

In this post, I will tell you step-by-step guidelines for integration of thawani pay e-commerce payment integration API in the laravel application. I...