
In computing, a server is a piece of computer hardware or software that provides functionality for other programs or devices, called "clients". This architecture is called the client–server model.

Server Recent Posts

16-02-2023 1089 Server Haresh Chauhan

With the help of this post you will set the cron job in cpanel to run the laravel schedule also included different types of cronjob examples with the...

25-12-2022 749 Server Haresh Chauhan

How to Generate SSH Key in Ubuntu Server? in this post I will provide a command guideline for generating an ssh key in the ubuntu server. we will gene...

17-10-2022 836 Server Haresh Chauhan

Postgres database list how to show? in this post, we will see how the listing of Postgres available database. For listing the Postgres database we nee...

05-10-2022 778 Server Haresh Chauhan

Droplets Digitalocean, we will create a droplet in the digital ocean account. If you are new and working for the first time with the digital ocean ser...

23-09-2022 1209 Server Haresh Chauhan

Here is some easy step to Install MongoDB In Ubuntu In this post, we will install the MongoDB server on the Ubuntu server. MongoDB is a free and open...

18-09-2022 1712 Server Haresh Chauhan

Install PostgreSQL Ubuntu 20.04 With pgAdmin4; Do you know ?, pgAdmin is an Open-source database software project for the store large collected data a...