Before the start installation let we know some basic things about Angular.
Angular is framework for single page application, but i will give some tips into next tutorial how to manage with other programming language.
Mostly peoples are using Angular's latest version for web development.
Angular requires Node.js version 10.9.0 or above.
Here, We must install node js setup.
Download node js setup.
After successfully installed node js setup follow below steps.
Step 1 : Install the Angular CLI
You use the Angular CLI to create projects, generate application and library code, and perform a variety of ongoing development tasks such as testing, bundling, and deployment.
Install the Angular CLI globally.
Now, open your terminal and put a below command and hit enter.
npm install -g @angular/cli
Step 2 : Create a workspace and initial application.
Run CLI command ng new and set the name of your project.
ng new blog
Laravel 6 call function undefined str_slug() - fix
Put this above command and hit enter.
In the 3rd step you have to move in your clone directory.
Step 3 : Move on your project directory.
cd blog
Now we are moving on final and 4th step.
Step 4 : Run the application.
ng serve --open
After put this command automatically open application in your system default browser.
It's run on this angular default url localhost:4200
Finally installed your angular application in your system.
I hope it can help you.
We always thanks to you for reading our blogs.
Dharmesh Chauhan
(Swapinfoway Founder)Hello Sir, We are brothers origin from Gujarat India, Fullstack developers working together since 2016. We have lots of skills in web development in different technologies here I mention PHP, Laravel, Javascript, Vuejs, Ajax, API, Payment Gateway Integration, Database, HTML5, CSS3, and Server Administration. So you need our service Please Contact Us
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