How To Improve SQL Query Performance

  • 29-09-2022
  • 799
  • Haresh Chauhan

How To Improve SQL Query Performance Are you also finding this question answered? I will give you the top fifteen tips that will help you to improve your database performance. I have given below tips that you need to follow, it will help you to make your performance very faster than then before.

Every developer who works with the SQL database must need to know, as well as while they work with the large project they must need to make a better structure and fully optimized query to execute for better performance.

The beginner developer must need to know the tips to get your query fully optimized and faster performance on how to do with SQL database. Because it will work well while you working with the little database but as it goes to bid data it will impact your site load more data and slower query execution. So in this post, I will give you some tips, That you are aware of to avoid making mistakes on starting project development.

  • Tip 1 : Use The Correct DataType.
  • Tip 2 : Use Stored Procedures.
  • Tip 3 : Keep your database structure simple.
  • Tip 4 : Denormalize your data.
  • Tip 5 : Use indexes.
  • Tip 6 : Use views.
  • Tip 7 : Optimize your queries.
  • Tip 8 : Optimize your table structure.
  • Tip 9 : Normalize your data.
  • Tip 10 : Use caching.
  • Tip 11 : Avoid coding loops.
  • Tip 12 : Retrieve the relevant data only.
  • Tip 13 : Select Needed Data Only.
  • Tip 14 : Use Pagination.
  • Tip 15 : Does My record exists?.
Details Description

Tip 1. Use The Correct DataType

The table column data-type also impacts performance. You must need to use the perfect datatype for what data you are storing in the column. You always try to use a small datatype. if you do not require any extra space in the table column. Don't use extra big datatype without any use of it. For Example, if you are strong only two digits numbers are in a column, so in this case, you should use a tiny integer or integer instead of a BIG Integer datatype. Using a small datatype makes your query faster and optimized for reading data from the database.

Tip 2. Use Stored Procedures

The stored procedures are also another way to optimize your SQL query faster. The stored procedure is a set of SQL commands which are stored in the database. When you call a stored procedure the database onset has to parse and compline in the SQL.

Tip 3. Keep your database structure simple

Keep your database structure simple, this is the best way to optimize SQL queries in the database to keep its structure as possible as simple. When you are working with a large project with a big database and having lots of table in the database and relation between each other table it make your query slower. So try to limit as possible as limit the database table and relation between each other tables.

Tip 4. Denormalize your data

Denormalize is another way to optimize your SQL database faster. That means trying to store more information in each record, rather than it breaking up into multiple records. Denormalize is an easy data query because you don't have to join queries or relation need to make in multiple tables together.

Tip 5. Use indexes

Indexes are the best way to improve the performance of SQL. The index key is the copy of the data in the table. This is sorted in a particular order. Then you query to retrieve the data. The database can use the index to find data more quickly. So in this case, if you want a frequently-queries column in the database. You must consider creating an index on those columns.

Tip 6. Use views

The view can also greater way to improve your SQL database performance. the view is a virtual table containing the result of a query. So while you query a view, The database doesn't have to run the query. It will just return stored results only. This is much faster than the execute a query from scratch from each time refresh. The view can also make your queries simple. it's hiding complexity from the database.

Tip 7. Optimize your queries

The way you are executing the query also impacts the performance. You try to use less or no use of join or sub-query. These can difficult for the database to find and retrieve the database. try to write simply. You also need to use various indexing and or caching things.

Tip 8. Optimize your table structure

The way you created the database structure also impacts the performance. You try to make a better structure and avoid duplicate records or unnecessary columns from the table. The more columns have to make process more time to find data. That makes your performance slower. So this is so important while you making database structure impact on the performance. also, try to use the correct datatype for each column base on the data stored.

Tip 9. Normalize your data

This is the one way to optimize your SQL query. This means trying to break up your data into multiple tables. So the same type of information is stored in a separate table. Normalize helps you to make an easy query for each table data retrieved. But this also increases your table store and more table for a better structure. So this method is also having cons and pros before you get your data to normalize.

Tip 10. Use caching

Caching is a technique to improve performance in the SQL database. when you cache a query. This time the database store the executed query results in extra storage, so when you run the same data query it will return from the store without going to the table. This can make a much faster query each time the query executes. This can also make your queries easier.

Tip 11. Avoid coding loops

We should avoid coding loops, avoiding coding loops is very much needed to avoid slowing down the whole sequence and query. You can be achieved this by using the unique UPDATE or INSERT commands with individual rows in the database table, also by ensuring the command WHERE does not update the stored data in case it finds a matching pre-existing data.

Tip 12. Retrieve the relevant data only

If you don't require extra things from the database. You just select relevant data only. While you are using join query on relation sub-query that time query return all the matching id data from the table. You must need to avoid default selecting all the data from the table, and select only relevant data. Also, use LIMIT, TAKE, and OFFSET avoid to impacting large data.

Tip 13. Select Needed Data Only

When you are a query that time select required data only. without selecting a query it will return all the database records from the table. So in this case you must try to use the select query. In the select query, you need to define the column name which you want to return. The select query return only data selected data only. So you try to habit select query.

Avoid :
SELECT * FROM `users`
Use :
SELECT id,name,email,status FROM `users`

Tip 14. Use Pagination

If you are retrieving data from the database, use pagination. This pagination method will be available in the framework. But in SQL query you must need to use OFFSET and LIMIT in the query.


Tip 15. Does My record exists?

When you just need to check whether the record or value in the column exists or not. avoid using a select query. Using EXISTS method you can fast way to check whether the record exists in the database or not based on given WHERE clauses.

SELECT SupplierName
FROM Suppliers
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT ProductName FROM Products WHERE Products.SupplierID = Suppliers.supplierID AND Price < 20);

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Dharmesh Chauhan

(Swapinfoway Founder)

Hello Sir, We are brothers origin from Gujarat India, Fullstack developers working together since 2016. We have lots of skills in web development in different technologies here I mention PHP, Laravel, Javascript, Vuejs, Ajax, API, Payment Gateway Integration, Database, HTML5, CSS3, and Server Administration. So you need our service Please Contact Us


Haresh Chauhan


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