I want to update my database with one of the table columns called "confirmed" as value 1 in the database table together by just running a single query bulk update, At that time I was facing Using $this when not in object context error while executing update query. I solved this error just by adding the query() method before executing the query in the laravel application.
I am trying to update the whole table confirmed column at once by running the below laravel eloquent model query, by running this query I was facing an error, Using $this when not in object context. so how do bulk update columns in the database table using the laravel eloquent model? checkout out a given solution.
Model::update(['confirmed' => 1]);
By adding a query() before applying the update confirmed column in the database using the laravel model eloquent, I fixed this error. so you just need to add the query() method before applying direct any method in the laravel eloquent model.
Model::query()->update(['confirmed' => 1]);
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